
business incubation

book consultation

The TOP 3 Reasons People Don’t Start Businesses

  • Don’t have an idea they really believe in
  • They don’t have the capital to start
  • They don’t know how to start
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The Top 3 reasons businesses fail

  • No stable business model designed for consistent revenue streams
  • Lack of operational expertise
  • Lack of capital

In a world full of ideas, there is a very small pool of expertise to launch and execute them.

We have the opportunity to see, what seems like an endless amount of businesses. In addition, we also have the luxury of having an endless amount of business ideas being presented to us.

A valuable result is our clear understanding of the components of success and failure. Leaders vs managers. Operators vs employees. Visionaries vs missionaries. The common thread of success is the ability to take expertise and deploy it properly and if you don’t have the expertise, to find it.

Smashbox was born and built on entrepreneurship and have succeeded and failed enough to fast forward the learning, building and executing of a business. Instead of telling entrepreneurs what they should be doing with their business, we actually get involved in growing it with them. We provide strategic and tactical expertise in:
  • Strategic Direction
  • Operations
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Finance
Everyone is good at something, and it's difficult for all of us to be good at everything. We provide the bench strength to give a business all the drive it needs to be successful.